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Report card & fundraising accountability

Thanks to our generous donors, YSM provides life-changing programs to Toronto’s most vulnerable neighbours. Our Annual Report details how your donations are used, highlights our impact, and shares inspiring stories of transformation.

Annual Reports and Financial Statements

Transparency and accountability for every dollar donated.

Communications and reporting

Learn about the power of your impact in our Urban Lights quarterly newsletter, YSM’s Annual Report and audited financial statements.

YSM's commitment to ending
long-term poverty

Key performance indicators

Accountability is a core YSM value and an essential part of our mission to end long-term poverty in Toronto within a generation. We’ve mapped out a 20-year plan with strategic milestones to guide our progress.

Read our Case for Support to learn more.


At YSM we use a unique measurement and evaluation framework called TIMES™, which stands for Transformation Integrated Measurement and Evaluation System. It is used for the collection and analysis of service user data to determine program efficacy, which is crucial to understand and enhance the impact of YSM’s efforts. 

TIMES™ enables us to measure impact beyond traditional metrics. The statistics and outcomes in YSM’s reporting are garnered through TIMES™ data collection to better inform our donors of the impact of their support. The insights we gather through TIMES are used to inform our work as we journey with individuals and communities toward the end of long-term poverty in Toronto.

A community member starts their TIMES™ journey when they enter a YSM goal-setting program and works closely with a YSM Care Manager on a customized plan to improve their life circumstances. A baseline score out of 5 is established by assessing their current life circumstances against 7 domains which we know are vital in a person’s journey out of poverty, including connections with others, economic factors, their environment, and their health. Each domain applies specific indicators, for a total of 18, to assess an individual’s overall well-being.

What we're learning

Based on 1,130 individuals in Care Management assessed using TIMES™:

Adults experiencing long-term poverty have shown the greatest improvement in overall TIMES™ scores. The resulting data informs the program decisions we make as we continue to monitor efficacy and impact in real time.

Want to learn more?

To learn more about TIMES™ and the way YSM uses data to improve the lives of the neighbours we serve, please contact or (416) 929-9614

You can also read Steve’s* story, which illustrates the difference YSM’s wrap-around care and measurement tools can make, not only to support Steve on a pathway out of poverty, but also to end the cycle of poverty for Steve’s children.