“I was sitting in a field in India,” said Eric, remembering the moment when Brother Christas reminded him to spend the same amount of effort helping his neighbours in Toronto as he’d already done in leprosy centres abroad. “I helped establish two missions, in Haiti and India, and they reminded me to do more in my own city.”
Eric first learned about YSM’s Evergreen Centre through his work at KPMG and soon became good friends with Rick Tobias, our former CEO. In his 50s, Eric decided to take a deep dive into mission work, selling his possessions and committing full time to help struggling neighbours in our city. Rick and Eric spent many hours working and sharing lunches together with Eric’s colleagues and corporate contacts.
Since his realization, Eric’s been investing his time, talent and treasure in the work of YSM – and doesn’t intend to have that end with his passing. “The way I look at the world, we’re all God’s children,” Eric explains. “We go through life with resources and, to me, they’re from God to live by. When we pass on we need to give back significantly for work in His name and to care for people. My heart has always been with YSM.”
Eric has committed to make a legacy gift in support of YSM’s work via a bequest in his will. By doing so, Eric will ensure the values he’s demonstrated so consistently in his life will live on, even after his passing. We’re so grateful for the many inspiring ways Eric has partnered with us to advance YSM’s vital work.
Learn more about leaving a legacy gift in your will at ysm.ca/ways-to-give

For our 125th anniversary we’re inviting the city of Toronto to GIVE 6IX to ‘the Six” in any way, from anywhere, to help change the lives of neighbours struggling with poverty . . .
- Tell 6 friends or family members about the charities included in your legacy planning to create direct and long lasting impact on the causes important to you and, perhaps, inspire them to do the same
- Give 6 hours of your time, volunteering to make a difference in the life of a neighbour
- The possibilities are endless!
What’s your 6IX? Learn more and get inspired at ysm.ca/GIVE6IX.