Thank you to all of the amazing walkers, volunteers, sponsors and donors who made our 2nd annual YSM Winter Walk for Neighbours in Need such a success! Together, you helped us reach our goal, raising more than $125,000 to offer supportive care to struggling Toronto community members this winter.
We joyfully journey with people
toward sustainable change

Breaking the cycle of
long-term poverty
Steve* was drowning. A single father struggling to keep his business afloat, he was overwhelmed by debt, crippling arthritis, fibromyalgia and a growing sense of isolation. His world was crumbling around him and he turned to alcohol to cope. His daughter Alice*, saw her father’s struggle and reached out to Yonge Street Mission for help. Recognizing the family’s complex needs, Steve was brought into YSM’s Care Management program. Through YSM’s RISE model – Respond, Invite, Support, Engage – Steve began to find his footing. With access to food, mental health support, and guidance from dedicated care managers, he started to rebuild his life.
Steve’s journey is far from over. Through coaching and ongoing support, Steve’s sense of power is increasing with improvements to his mental health and his efforts to overcome his addictions. He is tackling his finances, improving his health and rediscovering hope. His progress is not only transforming his life but also inspiring Alice, so as to break the cycle of poverty for their family.
YSM’s support has been instrumental in Steve’s recovery. Your commitment to helping individuals like Steve is transforming lives and future generations.
*Names and photos changed to protect community members’ privacy.
Serving and supporting Torontonians
since 1896
The Problem
Toronto, a global top-three city, hides a harsh reality. 13.2% of all Torontonians (2021 Census) are experiencing poverty. A disproportionate number of seniors, children and families are struggling with the realities of unaffordable housing, skyrocketing inflation and job uncertainty. At YSM, we see people struggling to make ends meet despite a deep desire to rise out of poverty. Our work focuses on meeting immediate needs while addressing root causes to break the cycle of long-term poverty and its far-reaching impacts.
The Solution
At YSM, we believe in the possibility for all people to rise out of poverty. We empower youth, families, adults and entire communities to find the support they need for immediate relief and long-term change. Our approach emphasizes unconditional support, long-term commitment and measurable improvement.
Learn more about our Life-Change Programs and services here.
The Numbers
During our 2022-2023 fiscal year, we served 66, 244 meals, helped feed over 10,000 neighbours through our food bank, and supported 8,659 community members through one or more YSM programs including daycare, healthcare, counselling sessions, goal setting programs, housing and employment support.
Click here to find out more about the numbers.
Give the gift
of time
Looking to be part of the solution to long-term poverty? Volunteering at YSM makes a difference in the lives of those we serve.
Individual and group volunteer opportunities available here.
Give the gift
of treasure
Charitable donations fuel YSM’s programs and services.
Make a financial contribution today!
Give the gift
of talent
Your professional skills can help impact the life of a community member in need.
Learn more about long-term volunteer opportunities here.