YSM offers scholarships and mentoring for students entering post-secondary school for youth currently enrolled in YSM programming.
All buildings
Through your YSM Care Management Specialist or Programming Coordinator.
- Scholarships are based on financial need.
- Student must be an active participant in a YSM program.
- Student must be under 30 years of age at start of the program
- Student must not be a staff member or a relation of a staff member.
- Student must be pursuing an undergraduate degree at a recognized or registered public university or college.
What to expect:
After contacting your YSM staff representative in late winter/early spring, you will be asked to participate in an application process that includes an application form, references and a budget. Selected applicants will move through an interview process. Successful recipients of the award are informed in June. Students must be willing to maintain a mentoring relationship for their first year of studies.