We offer nutritious bags of groceries based on family size, by appointment once every two weeks to our neighbours in need in Toronto Downtown East.
Tuesday to Friday; 10:00 a.m. – noon & 1:00p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
YSM Davis Centre, 270 Gerrard St. E.
Please call 416-929-9614 x 3200 to book an appointment.
To qualify for YSM’s Food Bank you must live within our catchment area:
From Bloor St to Lake Ontario, between Yonge St. and Don Valley Parkway.
What to expect:
Upon arrival, you will be asked to provide proof of address, proof of income and Photo ID (for you and anyone with whom you live). We offer a grocery store-style shopping experience with volunteers to guide and help you select nutritious groceries for you and your family. Quantities are distributed by family size, by appointment. We also offer hygiene supplies, baby, and pet-related items (as available).