Image of YSM employment services client on a computer alongside a YSM staff member

A journey toward healing and employment

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When Kirk* and Manny* enrolled in YSM’s Opportunities Fund (OF) program, they didn’t realize all they had in common. Both came from difficult family backgrounds, and both felt a lot of anxiety about finding work.

How did the OF program provide meaningful support?

OF is an employment program focused specifically on supporting  community members with mental health challenges to get into the rhythm of work. Participants take part in mental health workshops together, while attending 12 individual sessions with a YSM mental health counsellor.

At the same time, the group completes a training course to develop important soft skills like communication, conflict resolution, goal-setting, and financial literacy. They learn how to search for and retain employment, how to build a résumé and prepare for job interviews, and they receive 1:1 job coaching.

Finally, participants begin a short-term paid job placement with a YSM partner employer, gaining valuable work experience and added training.

Since the inception of our OF program 19 months ago, we’ve placed the majority of 56 participants with partner employers. Among those participants, so far nearly 40% have secured permanent employment.

Both Kirk and Manny entered the OF program feeling an absence of supportive relationships. Both felt there weren’t many people who could understand their experiences. They felt like outsiders.

But a key component in the OF program is the time spent building trust among participants. Kirk and Manny quickly let their guards down as they regularly sat together. When Manny said he felt seen and a part of the group, Kirk agreed. The two became fast friends, continuing to meet outside the program.

At graduation, each participant receives a certificate and a Chromebook tablet. This helps ensure our graduates won’t face technological barriers, while also celebrating their commitment to the program and the steps they’re taking to address challenges and rejoin the workforce.

“For the first time in three weeks, when Kirk’s name was called, I saw a big smile on his face,” says YSM Employment Counsellor Thomas Morrison. “It’s a remarkable thing to be able to help a person address their barriers and get back into a work routine. But being able to see the change pour into their personal lives and see communities being created is beautiful.”

*Community members’ names have been changed to protect their privacy. Thank you to the Government of Canada for generously funding this program. This story originally appeared in our spring 205 Urban Lights.