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YSM’s Daycare provides a holistic approach to child development through a play based environment, so that children will thrive in their personal growth and succeed in their early educational years. YSM’s Daycare is a licensed daycare for children aged 3 months to 4 years.


Monday to Friday; 7:30am – 6:00 pm.


YSM Davis Centre, 270 Gerrard St E.


Please call 416-929-9614 x 3248  or  Existing Parents Click Here

Toronto Children’s services (Subsidy) and Ontario Early Years Program (Licensing


Subsidy or Full-Fee for children aged 3 months to 4 years.

What to expect:

The application process: For Subsidized families application is through Toronto Children’s services (Subsidy), for Full Fee families contact the daycare directly. If we are at full capacity the child will be placed on a waitlist.  

Morning and afternoon snacks and lunches are provided. Nap times are scheduled per age group. Outdoor play is mandatory by licensing province (2hrs per day). Groups are as follows: Infant (3–18 months), Toddlers (18 months – 2.5 years), Pre-school (2.5 – 4 years).