Image of young woman

Lia’s story

Even as Lia* experienced homelessness, she was quick to give whatever she could to help those around her.

“When I see people struggling, I want to help them get through whatever they are going through,” she says. 

While feeling isolated and seeking transitional shelter, Lia reached out to YSM to volunteer. “It was during the pandemic, and I volunteered packing groceries [at YSM’s Food Bank]. It was amazing. Everyone was really welcoming, and distressed about what I wad going through. I decided – I think I love these people so much, they will be my adopted family!”

As time passed, Lia continued to volunteer for YSM’s Bridges program for adults, and when the opportunity arose through Ontario Works for her to take a job with YSM, she was happy to get even more involved. “I love when we have the Christmas and Easter meals,” she says. “Especially seeing the number of people who come out and support the program, seeing the community members excited to be here, and creating a nice space for them to really connect.”

Meanwhile, a YSM care manager connected Lia with legal and practical support to help her in her own journey. She began taking classes to become a
community support worker. 

“Before, I could see myself being alone,” Lia says. “But now, being here, you see a real community. Everyone treats you like family, never makes you feel like you don’t belong. Sometimes I look at myself, how it was two years ago, and how it is now – I’m so connected. I feel like I belong.”

*Name and image have been changed to protect community member’s privacy.